digipharm is part of the Master Degree
of Health Engineering of Aix-Marseille university

Course type

digipharm operates in hybrid mode, offering a choice of continuing education or work-study programs.

digipharm operates in hybrid mode, offering a choice of continuing education or work-study programs.

The majority of the course periods are grouped together between September and December, according to a schedule that combines courses and weeks spent in a company (work-study program) or in a host laboratory (continuing education program).

From January onwards, most of the time is spent on the training grounds, as most of the remaining courses are given online and can be taken at the student's discretion.

Educational goals and agenda

digipharm - Educational goals and agenda

The digipharm program is a mix between project-based learning, regular courses in key disciplines related to programming, and conferences.

The program begins with crash-courses in basic maths&stats, programming and pharmaceutical sciences. This upgrade gives students, depending on their origin, the disciplinary bases in drug sciences and knowledge in mathematics and statistics prior to their use in machine-learning and AI.

The Master then offers a series of courses covering various domains: algorithms and programming in Python and R, environment and control structures, data and file management and manipulation, statistical analysis and graphical data mining, application of libraries (table management, data analysis, graphical visualization). Presentation of the main paradigms of machine learning, from theory to practice, and discovery of Deep Learning. Expertise in the legal, economic and ethical aspects of digital tools in pharmaceutical sciences is integrated into the teaching. Training in the tools developed or to be developed in the field of non-clinical & clinical investigation, and during post-marketing phases in pharmaceutical sciences.

digipharm operates in hybrid mode,
offering a choice of continuing education or work-study programs.

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